segunda-feira, 1 de setembro de 2014

                                      Unusual people unusual jobs

           Steve and Stella Baker live in California. They’ve got two small children,
and they are an average American family, except for one thing: she goes to work,
he stays at home and looks after the children. Our reporter spoke to Steve
and Stella at their home in San Diego:
           “My wife has very good job. She’s an electronics engineer, and she works for
the US Navy here. So she works, and I stay at home and look after the children.”
           Jim Macartney is a helicopter pilot. He’s British, but he lives and works in Africa.
          “I work for the hospital here. I take a doctor and two nurses in my helicopter
to the jungle. There are no roads in the jungle — only rivers. People go by helicopter
or by boat, or they walk.”
          Mrs. Betty Brown is sixty-two. She’s a housewife, and a grandmother and
a student! Mrs. Brown lives in Oxford, England, and goes to the University there.
She studies Japanese, and she is the first in her class. We asked Mrs. Brown how
She learns Japanese.
          “My son lives in Japan — he teaches English in Tokyo — and sends me Japanese
magazines and newspapers, videos of Japanese TV programmes and cassettes
of Japanese radio programmes.”
                                                                              (by: Compact English book / Wilson Antônio Liberato.
                                                                                                 - São Paulo : FTD, 1988. p. 189-190)

ununsual – incomun                                         average – média                              housewife – dona de casa
to look after – cuidar                                        jungle – selva                                  to send – mandar; enviar
magazines – revistas                                        grandmother – avó                          newspaper – jornal

 Atenção antes de responder as questões lembre-se, são questões subjetivas, necessitando da somatória
dos itens para se obter a resposta correta. Só depois anote a resposta (soma) entre parênteses.

 1. According to the text, choose the correct alternatives:
     (01) Steve and Stella have two children.
     (02) Steve’s home is in San Diego.
     (04) Stella Baker is Sixty-two.
     (08) Steve looks after his children.
     (16) Mrs. Brown studies Japanese.
     (32) Mrs. Brown’s son teaches Japanese.
     (64) Betty Brown is the first in her Japanese class.
                                                                                     (       )

2. According to the text, choose the correct alternatives that
    correctly describe the people’s occupations:
    (01) Mrs. Brown is a housewife.
    (02) Stella is an electronic engineer.
    (04) Jim is a nurse.
    (08) Steve is a doctor.
    (16) Jim is a helicopter pilot.
    (32) Mrs. Brown’s son is a teacher.
                                                                                     (       )

3. According to the text, choose the correct alternatives which
    contains a correct answer for the question:
             Where do they live?

     (01) Stella lives in California.
     (02) Mrs. Betty Brown lives in Oxford.
     (04) Mrs. Brown’s son lives in Japan.
     (08) Mrs. Brown lives in Japan.
     (16) Jim lives in England.
     (32) Steve lives in Oxford.  
                                                                           (       )

Obs.: Este texto traduzido para Língua Portuguesa, e os exercícios resolvidos são
          trabalho escolar de casa. (V. 2,0).  E deverão ser enviados para o e-mail:

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