segunda-feira, 1 de setembro de 2014


                           Stress remedies

         Whether real or imaginary, the need
         for stress reduction has produced a
         whole range of remedies. Most are a
         questions of common sense: talk to your
 (5)  friends and relatives; get good night’s
         sleep; eat a well-balanced diet; cultivate
         your sense of humor, and so on.
         The “five-year test” is another.
         recommended method. When you find
(10) yourself in a stressful situation, ask
         yourself “Will this still be a problem
         five years from now?” If you are stuck
         in a traffic jam, the answer is obviously
        no. Other tips include breathing exercises,
(15) jaw relaxation techniques, meditation
         and massage. There is also a herbal cure
         called Valerian which proponents
         of natural remedies say has been
          scientifically proved to reduce
(20) tension. And lastly, sex is widely considered
         to be a powerful antidote to stress.
                              (by: Compact English book / Wilson Antônio Liberato.
                                              - São Paulo : FTD, 1988. p. 189-190)

Atenção antes de responder as questões lembre-se, são questões subjetivas,
necessitando da somatória dos itens para se obter a resposta correta.
Só depois anote a resposta (soma) entre parênteses.

 1. O texto aborda:
(01) causas reais e imaginárias do stress.
(02) efeitos nocivos do stress.
(04) remédios da medicina tradicional para o combate do stress.
(08) sugestões e técnicas alternativas para a redução do stress.
(16) basicamente a prevenção do stress.
                                                                                             (        )

2. A expressão indicada pode ser substituída, sem alteração do  sentido,
    pelos termos à direita em:
   (01) “and so on” (l.7)                  etc.
   (02) “five-year” (l.8)                  fifth
   (04) “stressful”  (l.10)               restless
   (08) “stuck” (l.12)                     unable to move
   (16) “jam” (l.13)                        marmalade
   (32) “widely” (l.20)                   lovely
                                                                                             (        )

3. O termo indicado corresponde à ideia expressa à direita em:
   (01) “Most” (l.3)              quantity      
   (02) “still” (l.11)               intensity
   (04) “If ” (l.12)                  condition
   (08) “Other” (l.14)           contrast
   (16) “also” (l.16)               inclusion
   (32) “lastly” (l.20)              consequence
                                                                                             (        )

4. “______ of your history and the lives of ______ our great men
     and women recreated by the movies”.

Choose the alternative(s) that can complete the sentences above correctly.
(01) much — much                              (08) a lot — a lot
(02) much — many                             (16) a lot — much
(04) many — much                             (32) a lot — many
                                                                                             (        )

5. The author ______ some articles about Americans prisons in magazines.
(01) write                                             (04) has written
(02) wrote                                            (08) have written
                                                                                             (        )

Obs.: Este texto deverá ser traduzido para Língua Portuguesa e os exercícios deverão ser resolvidos,
          como trabalho de casa. (V. 2,0).  O mesmo (tradução e exercícios resolvidos)  deverá ser enviado
         para o e-mail:

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